Wednesday, August 29, 2007


If there is ever a day to celebrate, this should be it.

31 August.

50 years ago on this day, Malaysia celebrated its independance. Tunku Abdul Rahman and co. managed to chase away the British from our beloved land. Finally, we had a country to could call ours. We had a home.

As much as we dislike what is going on now, with corruptions governing the country, we must be well aware that Malaysia gave us something not many kids have. It gave us a future. We can be who we want to, as long as we try hard enough.

Both my grandfathers came down from China because they knew, Malaysia was a land of opportunity. And they were right. Stop thinking about who you COULD be if you were not born in Malaysia. Start thinking about who you WOULD be, and you will count your blessings.

I will probably be a farmer, lucky to own two cows by now.

Fellow friends, don't just sit home today. Go out and sing your hearts out. Be grateful for Malaysia, be patriotic.

Malaysia, Selamat Hari Merdeka!

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